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- chatXtreme - ID-Card von: Bowser
Mitglied seit: 24.08.2002
Alter/Geschlecht: männlich
PLZ/Wohnort: BLaCk HiLLs FoReSt
Homepage: Ja (Bitte klicken)
E-Mail: Bowser@chatXtreme.de
Hobbies: † The Legacy of Bowser †
Statement: Between 1940 and 1941, a total of eight children were abducted from the small community of Burkittsville, Maryland. In the fall of 1941 the bodies of seven of the children were found in the basement of Rustin Parr´s home in the Black Hills. All seven bodies had been disemboweled and several had been marked with ritualistic carvings. The eighth child, Kyle Brody, survived the incident and provided the gruesome testimony that convicted Rustin to hang.
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