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- chatXtreme - ID-Card von: cruel
Mitglied seit: 20.01.2003
Alter/Geschlecht: 99 weiblich
PLZ/Wohnort: -L-
Homepage: Ja (Bitte klicken)
E-Mail: cruel@chatXtreme.de
Hobbies: they watch her walking over the road.. she's an ordinary girl, there's no difference between her and the rest of the world, but her fame.. why don't they see what it looks like inside of her? she looks pretty, has a nice smile on her face.. but does anyone know, she is confronted by thousands of e-mails every evening? 500 men ask her if she wants to marry them.. and a few people she never talked to, tell her she's their best friend.. can fame be a reason of all those things? it doesn't matter to her.. she is just an ordinary girl.
Statement: ..never give up your dreams..
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